Thursday, October 7, 2010

All about this blog ..

Lets get straight to the point. This blog is the hardwork and research of a team of Chartered Accountants (CA) and aspiring CAs based in India to make available their expertise in the fields of accounting and tax to the readers in an easy to implement manner. While we believe that this blog will be useful for everyone employed in finance we also believe that the same will go a long way in increasing our expertise on the topics.

Beginning shortly we intend to cover some of the most basic and also the most relevant topics in the current changing times while gradually spreading base to larger and more conventional issues related to the subject.

Accounting will focus on Indian accounting standards, IFRS and the implementation of IFRS in India. It shall also cover the new companies bill and all other related acts. As can be seen accounting can never be deviod of acts and laws which show the way for the implementation of standards released by the ICAI.

And with time the blog shall also host topics on Taxation and related matters.

Here is a gist of what to and what not to expect from this blog:

What to expect:
1. IGAAP and Indian accounting standards.
2. IFRS and their understanding.
3. IGAAP v/s IFRS.
4. IFRS convergence updates and tips.
5. Opinion on individual IFRSs.
6. Indian Tax and its interpretations.
7. Opinions on tax provisions.
8. Latest Updates on Tax.

What not to expect:
1. Nothing really.
In fields like accounting and tax there are always individual cases which require special intepretations. While the blog has a fixed agenda, we are more than willing to go through individual queries and questions which the users are free to mail or leave as comments to the post.

So then, heres hoping the blog serves the purpose it sets out to achive.

-A4D team.